Toddler Programs
We have designed both Toddler Programs with a goal to:
- Encourage a strong self-image
- Broaden horizons in all facets of growth: physical, emotional, social and intellectual
- Encourage skill and attitudinal development to help each child cope with daily challenges key to toddlers
- Develop language by providing opportunites for language growth, as teachers spend time talking about the monthly curriculum concepts and themes and encourage children to participate during stories, songs, rhymes and finger plays
- Bridge the gap between home and community by providing a safe, supportive and accepting place where they feel comfortable separating from parents
One-year-old Program
(approx. 12 months to 24 months)
Ratio: 1 teacher to 3 children
As your child leaves infancy and moves into toddlerhood life changes quite a lot. We provide an environment geared toward these changes with age-appropriate 

curriculum, toys, art, music, stories, songs and outside play.

Children will have the opportunity to socialize with other

children and adults as they gain a sense of self in relation

to others and to the ever-expanding world around them.

Our curriculum addresses various areas of

development, which includes social and emotional,

language, early literacy, physical, and cognitive

development and creative expression.
Approximate Daily Schedule
08:00 am
Center Opens
09:30 am
Morning Snack
10:00 am
Outside/Inside Play and Discover Environment
11:00 am
Group/Story Time / Curriculum Activities
11:30 am
12:00 pm
03:00 pm
Afternoon Snack
03:30 pm
Outside Play and Discover Environment
04:30 pm
Curriculum Activities, Inside Play, Stories and Discover Environment

05:30 pm Center Closes
Current Openings:
Please email with your child's birthdate for more details:
Two-year-old Program
(24 months to approx. 36 months)
Ratio: 1 teacher to 5 children
The age of two is the beginning of great changes in your child, both physically and mentally. We use toys and materials in the classroom to enhance your child's small motor skills, as well as problem solving, manipulative and cognitive skills. We use a curriculum geared towards your two-year-old, which includes monthly lessons based on specific topics. The concepts and skills promote creativity and the development of the whole child (social, intellectual, emotional and physical).
Approximate Daily Schedule
08:00 am
Center Opens
09:30 am
Morning Snack
10:00 am
Group/Story Time / Curriculum
10:30 am
Outside/Inside Play
11:30 am
12:00 pm
03:00 pm
Afternoon Snack
03:30 pm
Outside Play
04:30 pm
Curriculum Activities, Stories, Inside Table Activities and Inside Play
05:30 pm
Center Closes
Current Openings:
Please email with your child's birthdate for more details:
Covenant Children's Center