We maintain a waitlist for programs that are full. You may join our waitlist by filling out the on-line form and submitting the non-refundable $50 waitlsit fee via PayPal. Failure to submit the $50 non-refundable waitlist fee will result in removal of your child from our waitlist.
If you would like to join our waitlist, please click here.
If you have a question regarding the status of your child on the waitlist, please email us with your question at cccoffice@covenantchildrenscenter.com. Please do not call us - thank you. We only provide status updates upon your email request.
We may periodically send an email to see if you would like your child to remain on our waitlist. In order to stay on the waitlist, it is very important to respond to the email. If you do not respond to the email, we will remove your child from the waitlist.
We accept children to CCC from our waitlist based on available openings, the age required for the openings and the date in which the waitlist form is submitted.
Preference to enrollment will be given in the following order:
- Children of staff members
- Siblings of enrolled students
- Children of Alumni students - verification is required
- Full-time students (40 hour per week or more)
We have a limited amount of part-time (30 hours per week) slots and those seeking part-time hours will be considered last for enrollment.
Covenant Children's Center